The Joseph Secret (2007) and Einstein’s Violin (2012) were self-published as I had no contacts with trusted publishers.
In Rome in 2013, an exhibition of the works of Leonardo pointed out that his Last Supper was unique in reinstating Judas with the other disciples. Suddenly I realised here is a message. It is a narrative painting. While painting the Last Supper, Leonardo was producing theatre and pageants for the Duke of Milan. By following Leonardo’s instructions to painters, I found 12 dramatic scenes depicting the drift of the Church from the teaching of Jesus. The key to the Last Supper is the Gnostic Gospels; it does not depict the New Testament. I then traced Leonardo’s membership of learned fraternities with access to books banned in Europe.
The Painter and the Carpenter: Leonardo’s Life-Sized Portrait of Jesus
Seeing the Last Supper for the First Time
This completed work unravels the secret lives of Leonardo, personal and professional. From many sources including his cryptic writings and symbolic paintings I have made many new connections. Perhaps surprisingly, Leonardo identified closely with Jesus, but dismissed the Church teaching of his deity and miracles.
The Secret of the Beloved Disciple (SBD) is the sequel which examines “that thing known to Judas alone … that plunged Heaven and Earth into confusion.” Moving on from Leonardo’s depiction of Judas being stabbed in the back, this book rewrites history from the fall of Jerusalem by revealing Constantine and the Roman Church as authors of a fake history concerning the life of Jesus.
The genre of SBD is history and theology. Painter Carpenter is biography (life and work) and art history. You need not share the artist’s esoteric view of Christianity, Hermetism, and the Gnostic Gospels but I think that you must now see it as the personal agenda of Leonardo’s religious paintings.
In 2020, I returned to my pleasure zone of action adventures when an overwhelming plot and character forced my hand. Greater Things is the story of Louise Templeton, a young woman (based on a real and undisguised person) protests against animal experiments and intoxicating the planet. The novel exposes the phoney war against drugs, and the artificial domains of mind-altering drugs, the criminal cartels, the pharmaceuticals’ marketing of addictive opiates, and ultimately to the isolated tribes of the Amazonian rainforest whose knowledge of psychoactive drugs is far more advanced than western science.
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